The most beautiful things in life pour out from a pure heart.
"Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow." Psalm 51:7 NLT
The most beautiful things in life pour out from a pure heart. A pure heart is a heart that has been made clean, all scars and sin washed away and mended with love and humility. What flows from the heart is then love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23 NLT).
Think of a tree. A tree grows from a seed planted in nutrient-rich, fertile soil. The seed is watered and receives sunshine and then starts to grow. From a tiny seed grows a giant tree. Through it's growth period many storms and dry seasons come, but the tree stills stands firm - soaking up the water and sun and eventually baring it's first fruit. This fruit feeds the birds, insects and other life around it, and it produces seeds which germinate to become more trees. A whole lifespan of one tree and yet it depicts such a powerful message we need to use in our everyday lives. To break it down, the seed can be anything we take from the world around us that we can plant in our hearts. There are seeds of sin that blurs the innocence and goodness in our hearts or there are seeds from the Word of God that nurture and grow us into the Kingdom of God. However, seeds planted in implantable land is useless. We have to open our hearts and allow our ground to be fertile and rich. To do this we need to become vulnerable. This vulnerability makes us open and soft, but it is so important for the growth and nurturing of our hearts, to become more like Him. When seeds from the Word are planted in fertile soil, the result is an unshakeable, prosperous tree that bears the fruit of the Spirit that gives us the strength to withstand the coming storms and droughts before us. This is the heart we believers need to guard, grow and maintain. This pure heart is what draws us closer to God as He reveals His love and holy Word to us.
So the most beautiful things in life can be a giant blue-gum tree in a thick, magnificent forest. Or it can be living with a pure, beautiful heart. A heart that follows our Majesty, Lord Jesus Christ's. The most beautiful gift we have received in this life is our Lord Jesus. Our Saviour and our Redeemer loved us so much that He gave up His life for us. He gave His heart to us. He set us free from the weary storms and sins that are set out to trap us everyday. By His blood He washed our hearts clean, as white as snow, and by His body He has healed the scars and wounds within our hearts. His pain gave us healing, His pain gave us freedom, and then His resurrection gave us hope for an eternal life together, as one, with Him. His life for ours is then our life for His.
Everyday we make the decision to wake up and allow Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, to wash our hearts clean and to maintain and guard the pure heart within us. With a heart like this, we become more like Jesus, following His ways, remaining in His Word and treading deeper into His Presence. By this, He is glorified and His love reaches the ends of the dark world we live in. Thank you Lord!
Today I challenge you to look at your heart and remove the sin and impurities from it, and then replace it with the fulfilment of God's love for us through His Son, Jesus Christ.