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I know that because of my Father in Heaven, I am loved, protected and provided for!

The Lord is like a father to His children, tender and compassionate to those who fear Him. Psalm 103:13

When I think of my dad, I smile because of what an amazing dad he is. His arms are always open for hugs and kisses, his shoulder is ready for me to cry on, his smile brightens up the room and his presence tells me that he is there and not going anywhere. For some of you, this might not be the dad you know... but take heart beloved because there is a Father who loves you more than you know!


Throughout my life so far, I have come to realise that the more I grow up the more I need God. But I don't just need God to fill only one room in my heart, I need Him to fill all my rooms. I need God to be my father, to be my mother, to be my sister and brother, my friend, my teacher and even my lover. The beautiful part about this is that although my life may be topsy turvy, He remains constant and right there. I've realised that even if I had to hit rock-bottom and lose everything - including my family - I have Him. Isn't that just mind blowing! I can't escape God, I can only embrace Him with all I am.

Let us take it back to the time when we were conceived in the womb - we were formed because of the love that existed between our mother and father and they were both needed for us to be born. Psalm 139:13 says that God has knitted our inner parts of our body together in our mother's womb, and this is all done by His delicate hand and His desire to get to know us and love us. We exist and live today not just because of our mother and father, but because of God who wants us and created us. When we are born, our mothers and fathers are completely filled with unbreakable love for us. Although our mothers carried us full-term physically, so did our fathers emotionally. In this way, God is displaying His love for us by allowing two humans to experience the fullness in creating a tiny life to love, nurture and care for, and how beautiful it is to know that the Father of us all has made us too for a specific purpose for His Kingdom!

As life goes on, love can fade and circumstances change if God hasn't remained the centre of our lives and families. Today, your dad might not be present in your life, he may be separated from your family or he might be there but distant and far away in his career. Your dad might have caused you so much hurt and pain in your life or maybe your dad has passed away or you never even got to know him. No father is perfect, just as no individual is perfect, and no life is perfect. But when we take it back to the beginning, we see a God who is our Father that formed us into life that will fulfill a purpose He knows and has laid out before us.

He is your Father who is there to embrace you with a hug and a kiss before sleep, He is there to hold you when you cry, He is there as your biggest fan at your soccer match or ballet performance. He is there to tell you that He loves you when someone breaks your heart and He is there when you walk down the aisle to unite you with another one of His children. When life gets tough, He is there encouraging you and helping you, carrying you and never giving up on you! God is always there. Psalm 89:11, "The heavens are Yours, and the earth is Yours; everything in the world is Yours - You created all." We are His, so He is ours. He is our Father in times when we need a father and our friend when we need a friend. God is so beautiful and loving and compassionate. God is a loving God, He is love (1 John 4:9). "In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths", Proverbs 3:6.

So as Father's Day approaches, let us thank God for the father He has given us and for the Father He is to us. We all need a dad, and when we don't have one, He is there, being the best Father we could have ever asked for!

Thank You Father God for being my Dad when I need one. Thank You for blessing me with an earthly Dad who loves me so much no matter the circumstance I am in. Please may You restore what's lost with my father if there is anything, and may you soften my heart towards him as You teach us both forgiveness and to look to You always. Daddy God, You are everything I need and I am Yours forever! Thank You for creating me to know Your love. In Jesus Name, Amen.



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