As I look around me, at the trees and the birds and the very gift of life, it all points to Jesus Christ.
In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through Him, and nothing was created except through Him. John 1:1-3
I recently decided to try my hand at photography.
I'm always keen to try something new, and for me there is nothing more exciting than capturing a picturesque moment that displays the beauty and awe of God's hand. From the larger picture to the finer details, God has displayed such magnificence in His creation and it is nothing but breath-taking to look at.
Learning the skills and technique of something new can seem daunting. In photography, there are different settings and ways to capture an image. Sometimes when you look through the lens and take the picture, the outcome is completely different to what you thought you were taking. This causes you to change a few settings from the amount of light that comes in, to the shutter speed of the camera, and eventually after a few attempts you get what you wanted. The more familiar you get with the camera's settings and the more your eye develops, the better your pictures come out and the more creative you become.
If we apply this concept to our lives, we have a choice to look at it through different lenses. Is it a lens of our own making, is it society's lens, or is it the lens of God? Because in every lens we look through, we have a different outcome. The picture either comes out blurry or full of worry, or it comes out demanding and discouraging, or the picture can come out clear and full of meaning where every detail is captured.
When we look through a lens of our own making, we see a result that constantly changes. Sometimes the picture is overexposed, sometimes it's blurry, and sometimes it comes out pitch black. But when we look through God's lens, we see Him and His glory and He never changes. His lens is of His own making and He knows just the right shutter speed, aperture, and ISO to use in every area of our lives. His pictures all point to His glory and Kingdom, and in everything it all points to His Son - Jesus.
As we look at John 1, we see that God created everything through Jesus. Jesus has been there with God since the beginning and all that we know - the trees, animals and humans themselves - was created through Him. This really brings perspective to who we are and how mighty God is. Jesus is also said to be the Word in this scripture and this goes to show that God's Word is His Son Who was given to us in the flesh. So, as mind-blowing as this is, we can see that as God spoke in Genesis 1, "Let there be light", those Words were spoken through Jesus and this means we are eye-witnesses of God's glory and His Son today. The Word became flesh and walked among us, demonstrating righteous living and surrender unto God, so that we may have an example to follow and a lens of righteousness, holy living, love, and faithfulness to look through. Jesus broke the chains of religion that tied us down to obeying rules and laws which waged in sin and death, and instead gave us perfect love and mercy which is all we need to follow and do unto God and our neighbours.
For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus. And all who have been united with Christ in baptism have put on Christ, like putting on new clothes. Galatians 3:20
I don't know about you but I can get so caught up in my mistakes and works that I miss the point of Jesus' mission on earth. Sometimes I pick up my old, dirty rags and display it before God, feeling condemned and disheartened in myself. But there comes a time where, through humility, you need to accept that you are a born-sinner and no matter how dirty your rags are, God loves you. And it is for those very dirty rags that Jesus died for and rose again so that you may be clean and renewed and forgiven of your past, present, and future wrongs. Your old, dirty rags are replaced with purified, merciful, unstained clothes - you are dressed like Christ.
You just have to choose which lens you'll look through:
Through condemnation, self-pity, and sin, or through God's grace and His unconditional love for you in Jesus Christ.
When we decide to walk in the Spirit, we are viewing our lives and the lives of others through God's lens. God's lens is Jesus Christ and His finished work at the Cross has made it possible for us to receive the Holy Spirit and walk in this life clean, reborn, and with an eternal perspective.
It is foolish to walk in this life without an eternal perspective because we are eternal beings (Ecclesiastes 3:11). An eternal perspective that has a Saviour, that is full of life, and where no evil and sin is found, is a perspective through the lens in which Christ has restored and freely given to all of us - Jew or gentile, slave or free, male or female. Through this lens, we are the united body of Christ with Him being the head, and we are given freedom. This freedom is to be embraced with arms of humility and gratitude unto God where we use it to express our faith in love, and all the fruits of the Spirit, through which the Holy Spirit produces in us.
Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to His cross and crucified them there. Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit's leading in every part of our lives. Galatians 5:24-25
What matters now is not what we have created or done for ourselves, and not what society thinks or tells us to do. What matters is whether we have been transformed into a new creation and whether we walk in this transformation with a clear conscience and a pure heart after God's. How we view things in this world should be filtered through the Word which is Jesus Christ. The Word is full of wisdom and Truth, and our perspective and understanding of His Word is revealed through His Spirit. His Spirit transforms us - the way we think, our attitudes and beliefs, our hearts, and our actions.
Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God, truly righteous and holy. Ephesians 4:23-24
The world will look at us through their lens and see the fruit we bear and the light of the Lord in us. May it be this fruit and light of His Spirit that declares we are His children and do not belong to this world. May it be this light that captures the perfect picture of Christ, and this fruit that outlines the beauty and glory of God. The Holy Spirit seals us as God's own and reminds us that we belong to Him and we are born-again, walking in this new nature with the right, eternal perspective. Praise be to God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit - the triune God Who is faithful, full of mercy, and love! Amen.
Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are His dear children. Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered Himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God. Ephesians 5:1-2
So friend, it turns out I love photography! I also love walking through this life knowing I am a new creation, I am loved unconditionally, I have a hopeful eternal perspective, and I have God's lens to look through! In every area of my life, through every trial and victory, I have God's lens to immerse myself in and use His lens to glorify Him, to love Him, and love you and all my neighbours too! The best part is, His lens - Jesus Christ - is a gift to you too!
Father God, we come to You in the Name of Jesus. Thank You Lord for giving us Your Son Jesus! Thank you for also giving us the Holy Spirit which has sealed us as Your own and renewed us to be like You Lord, as Your beloved children. I pray for every heart reading this that You may encourage them to draw closer to You, and that You may fill their day with love and hope. Lord, may you please strengthen Your church and the faith of those whose faith is weak. I love You Lord and thank You so much for being here with me today. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Once again Amber you capture the heart of God and write truths that keep our eyes on Him. Thank you ♥️