Our hearts are unified as one with Jesus who is unified with God. He is in us and we are in Him. Nothing can separate His love for us.
How lovely it is to be unified with God again. How more lovely it is to be unified with Him through our lives by living with Him in our hearts. Praise God! Thank you Jesus for making this possible!
“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 NLT
Thank you Lord for reminding us that we belong to You and that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!
Jesus is the grapevine and we are the branches...
Walking in my garden and praising God for His magnificent creation, I am reminded of John 15 where Jesus tells us that He is "the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener." (John 15:1). What does this really mean? Well to use my gardening knowledge, a plant bears fruit and needs to be maintained in order to bear more fruit. When it is time to maintain the plant, branches are cut off that don't produce fruit and other branches that do produce fruit are pruned to bear even more fruit. Jesus tells us this in John 15:2.
So here we see that Jesus is the vine - the main source of our lives, the life-giving part of all we do. We are the branches and the gardener, our Father, prunes and shapes us into who He has called us to be. Just like a shepherd looks after his sheep, Jesus is our Shepherd. We are called to be followers of Jesus and we are called to bear good fruit, the fruit that non-believers are drawn to but cannot bear.
Our lives are shaped into the Kingdom of God! We are shaped to fit out of this world and into the ways of the Lord. We are His children, His sheep, His Creation. Living a life that is unholy and unrighteous is displeasing to the Lord, but living a life filled with humility unto God and accepting every cutting of branches and pruning makes us worthy to share the Kingdom of God. However, we are only worthy when we allow Jesus to be our vine. Jesus came to this world to separate us from sin and in other words, to unify us with God. Jesus calls us in John 15:4 to remain in Him as He remains in us. For we cannot bear fruit, or live, if we are separated from Christ. Our hearts are unified as one with Jesus who is unified with God. He is in us and we are in Him. Nothing can separate His love for us. He prunes. He tends. He grows. He cuts. In this way His glory is revealed, His love is declared and His Ways are made beautiful. How lovely it is to be unified with God again. How more lovely it is to be unified with Him through our lives by living with Him in our hearts. Praise God! Thank you Jesus for making this possible!
Today I encourage you to meditate on John 15 and to seek the branches in your life that need cutting and to praise God for the pruning He is doing. He is always with us, never leaving and forever glorified. Give thanks to Him! We love You Lord!
"They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor." Isaiah 61:3