Without faith, nothing stands and everything falls. Stand firm in the LORD your God!
Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God's glory. Romans 5:2
As the world continues to age, the darker we see it becoming. There are so many events happening around the world this year that are so disheartening and actually angering to witness. What comfort lies for the brokenhearted? What freedom lies for the captive? A worldly person looks for these in the well of the world that rejects God's Word and His existence. But as believers we are already satisfied completely as we drink from His well that rather fears the Lord for He holds eternity in His hand! But how do we stay joyful when the world is holding us down? How do we have faith when fear seems to be winning?
... for it is by your own faith that you stand firm. 2 Corin 1:24
Faith. This is the blind step a person takes that separates your view from God's view. This is the blind step that is firm and steady because it is grounded on the One who has ordered your steps long before you were born. This is the blind step that truly makes you see. Faith. Where there is no faith, there is fear. And where there is fear, there is no love because love casts out all fear and never loses faith (1 John 4:8, 1 Cor. 13:7). Our faith in Jesus allows us to be set free from the curse of this world because we put our trust in Him, who is the Son of God, that has restored our union and forgiven our sins. This faith that can be as small as a mustard seed and it builds your house on a rock that can never crumble or fall beneath you because Jesus is the cornerstone lifting it up.
So what fear dwells in the house of the Lord? For we are His temple - separated from unbelievers, inherited vessels of a living God whose Light casts out all darkness and shelters those He loves and calls His family (2 Cor. 16-18). No virus can remove us from His healing. No one-world-order can separate us from His temple. No fear can knock our faith down. Because we stand firm in Jesus.
So now what is born when faith leads our heart's every beat? Confidence. Joy. Comfort. Love. Belonging. Goodness. Victory! For when we believe that Jesus is the Son of God, Who was sent to this earth to redeem us of our sin, to make a new covenant with His people and offer them a free gift of eternal life, we see that we are no longer of this world and it's darkness. We belong to Him and now we can praise His Name and glorify His throne in everything good we do as we follow His Word.
You see, as the darkness gets darker, the light shines brighter. Our spiritual eyes have been opened to distinguish light from darkness, good from evil and His Word from the world's word. Our faith gives us the stance to trust in God and His work because our hearts have seen that He exists and is living! The Holy Spirit Jesus left with us is God's Spirit allowing us to have this faith that is so freeing and holy because we are sealed with His love and His purpose for us. We are guided by the Teacher Who knows the beginning from the end! We are strengthened by the Great Warrior Who has conquered every battle so our hearts can join in the shout of ultimate victory, "It is finished!" I am a child of God. We are His children. Nothing in all creation can separate us from this union for it is by His blood that we are saved and chosen. AMEN!
Friends, it is time to stand firm. The end is close, the darkness is truly dark, but the true light is brighter. Don't let fear withhold you from experiencing the freedom of our faith. Don't let the control of higher worldly powers withhold you from gathering with fellow believers and singing praises to His name. It is time we truly stand up for what we believe in and let God do the work He intends us to do! Let us move forward each day with lives reflecting our Belonging in Christ and His Truth that sets free. Because friends, He is good and He keeps on getting better!!
See, God has come to save me. I will trust in Him and not be afraid. The Lord God is my strength and my song; He has given me victory! Isaiah 12:2
The Sovereign LORD will show His justice to the nations of the world. Everyone will praise Him! His righteousness will be like a garden in early spring, with plants springing up everywhere. Isaiah 61:11
Lord, we come to You in the Name of Jesus Christ. Thank You Lord for allowing us to experience Your love and grow in our walk with You by giving us the choice to believe in Your Son, Jesus. Thank You Lord for Your justice yet to come! Thank You Father for saving us from Your mighty hand and for delivering us from the evil of this world! May Your name be glorified in all of heaven and earth and may Your love conquer all! In Jesus' Name, Amen.